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8 Best IDEs for Developing in Golang

  • By Agira Technologies
  • September 13, 2019

Which IDE to use? An inevitable question raised among Golang Developers. Objectively, this quest has no particular solution, but it totally depends on the needs of the users.
Stackoverflow’s Developer survey 2019 revealed the most popular development environments used by developers around the world. Some from this survey go excellent for Golang development. On talking about Go programming, IDEs are gaining popularity along with the Go language. Golang is steadily climbing the rankings of the most popular programming languages for its efficient features.

Best IDE for Golang_Developers Survey
Source: Stack Overflow

In case, If you are new to the Golang IDE application. Here, take a peek of what it is all about and major advantages to guide you to pick a suitable IDE for your Golang web developments.

What is IDE?

An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software suite that encompasses all the programming tasks in one application. It acts as a single interface that features Compiler, Code editor, Automation tools, Debugger and more. Felicitating all the needs of the developer for writing and testing software.
An IDE is more desirable to organize and navigate an extensive codebase.

Benefits of IDE

  • Improves Productivity
  • Standardization
  • Encourages continual Learning
  • Easy collaboration
  • Effective project management

Here are the best IDEs that work great with Golang.

1. Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code_best Go IDE_Agira_1Visual Studio Code is an open-source IDE created by Microsoft. It supports a wide range of programming languages. Visual studio code features IntelliSense, bracket matching, code navigation, call stacks, snippets, symbol search, an interactive console and many more. Additionally, It has a supportive community of Go developers with regular contributions.

2. IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA_best Go IDE_agira_2IntelliJ IDEA is created by a software development company, JetBrains. This open-source IDE can be used with Golang through the Go language support plugin. It features smart code completion, advanced refactoring, detects duplicates, shortcuts, and supports other tools and frameworks.

3. Vim

Vim_best Go ide_agira_3Vim is highly customizable and can configure with various plugins. It is an improved version of vi editor. Vim-go plugin automatically installs all the necessary binaries for a hassle-free environment for Golang developers. It features multiple 3rd liner support, quick file executions, source code analysis and many more.

4. Sublime Text

Sublime Text_best go ide_agira_4Sublime Text is another great IDE for Golang with a large community of developers. This IDE favors speed and improved performance. GoSublime is a Golang plugin collection for Sublime Text 3. It features automatic code completion, removal of package imports and does syntax check when wiring codes.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why Golang Is The Best Programming Language For Developers

5. Eclipse

eclipse_best go ide_agira_5Eclipse is the most widely IDE. It remains popular among Go coders for its flexibility and powerful extensions. GoClipse is an open-source Eclipse IDE extension. It features GDB debugger support, source code editor, a project wizard, a builder to report errors and more.

6. Atom

Atom is a text editor, IDE can be improved with an open-source plugin go-plus. With go-plus you get instant feedback on your syntax and build errors. Atom can be used for tools, linters, vet build flows and more. With go-plus package, features include code snippets, autocomplete and code formatting.

7. GoLand

goland_best go ide_agira_7GoLand is a sophisticated yet commercial IDE. It is from the JetBrains, who also created IntelliJ. It offers impressive tool integration and coding assistance. GoLand IDE helps in analyzing source code, smart error analysis, refactoring, quick navigation with additional tools in the debugger.

8. LiteIDE

liteide_best go ide_agira_8LiteIDE is a direct open-source for Go IDE. The features are targeted to the comfort of the Golang coders. It features an advanced code editor, configures build commands, autocompletion, debugger, and MIME type-based system, etc.
There is more! But these IDEs for Golang are frequently talked about. Which one is your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below.

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