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How To Generate Digital Elevation Model Using Google Earth Pro

  • By Vishnu Durga
  • March 30, 2021

The Elevation Model is represented in 3D computer graphics, and it indicates the terrain of the earth. Also, It helps to explore the earth’s landscape in 3D. Based on the applications or analysis, the resolution and accuracy of the DEM requirements will vary.

Now, we will discuss how to generate the digital elevation model using google earth. 

Step 1:

Firstly, you need to identify the study area and make sure the terrain layers are enabled in the layers window, and using the create path tool, create a path via points throughout the study area.

Then, save it as a Kml file in your desired directory.

Note: The number of the points in the created paths is large, and the accuracy and resolution of the DEM are comparatively high.

Step 2:

Using TCX converter, populate the elevation value for the points in the created paths and export as a CSV file.

Note: You can Download TCX Converter here

Below are the points along with Elevation value.

Step 3:

Dem creation has been done through a lot of software. Now we use ArcGIS to create a Digital elevation model.

Convert CSV file into Shapefile in ArcGIS.

Choose Lat, Long, Elevation fields and assign the projections per our study area, then we will create a shapefile.

Step 4:

Create TIN, in ArcGIS Toolbox – Data management – TIN – Create TIN.

Upload your point shapefile and set the coordinates system of the study area, then generate the TIN.

Note: Surface Feature Type will be in Mass Points.

Step 5:

Create DEM

In ArcGIS toolbox, 3D Analyst – Conversion – From TIN – TIN to Raster.

Choose the Data Type, Methods, and Sampling Distance as per your DEM requirement. Then click Ok and create the DEM.

3D Representation Of Created DEM

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Vishnu Durga

Vishnu Durga is a passionate GIS analyst at Agira Technologies. Enabling her strategic insights in GIS, and data intelligence she has assisted numerous businesses in planning and to make informed business decisions. Apart from data collection and management, she loves to do some art in her leisure moments.