At Agira, Technology Simplified, Innovation Delivered, and Empowering Business is what we are passionate about. We always strive to build solutions that boost your productivity.

What is Geofencing and How Does it Work?

In this modern era, every firm has to explore advancements in its strategy to survive and flourish. The success of the company not only depends on the innovation of new products; it also includes the marketing strategy that boosts the sale of the products to potential customers as businesses are moving from print to completely […]

  • Abiram Kishan
    Abiram Kishan
  • September 9, 2020

GIS and De-stripping (Gap Filling) – Split Tools In ArcGIS

Geographic information systems (GIS) started in the 1960s. A geographic information system (GIS) is the gathering, managing, and analyzing the geographical data. Now, most of the organizations are using GIS to create maps that analyze the data and to solve real-world problems etc., around the world. GIS used to identify the problems, monitor change, manage […]

  • Subha
  • August 26, 2020

The Competitive Advantage of Geospatial Innovation

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a framework for understanding the modern developments and infrastructures related to the spatial and non-spatial data. Like any tech, GIS technology has upcoming advancements and progressive ideas to sustain in the uncertain market. But the innovation keys are also as demanding as other automatics when compared to geospatial. Initiating an […]

  • Abiram Kishan
    Abiram Kishan
  • May 18, 2020

How LiDAR Is Used In Disaster Response?

At present, LiDAR is one of the most advanced and reliable optical remote sensing technology. It has the advantages of Higher Accuracy, Fast acquisition, and processing, Weather/light independence, canopy penetration, Higher data density, and many more. What is LiDAR? When the laser points the target area of land or any object, the light reflects by […]

  • Selvabharathi M
    Selvabharathi M
  • May 12, 2020

Top 6 Technologies Crucial For Smart Cities

What are Smart Cities? It is a digital urban area that is modernized and uses a wide range of devices to collect information and data for a higher quality of life. The IoT devices are used to manage the assets and resources in the area proficiently. The usage of these devices impacts every layer of […]

  • Wasim Akram
    Wasim Akram
  • May 7, 2020

COVID-19: Mapping Hospitals and Testing Centers in Tamilnadu Using QGIS

The number of COVID cases continuing to rise all across the globe. The Novel Coronavirus disease was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It is now officially known as COVID-19. It is an infectious disease. It spreads from person to person. The first person affected by corona was in Wuhan, China. In India, the […]

  • Agira Technologies
    Agira Technologies
  • May 6, 2020

Site Suitability Analysis For IT Sector

Site Suitability Analysis is capable of finding the best location using multi-selection criteria. It is achieved via the modeling workflow. In the GIS world, the trending of the analysis was done via Webgis. By the integration of the site suitability analysis and the webgis trend, able to found out the best location for relocating the […]

  • Vishnu Durga
    Vishnu Durga
  • April 29, 2020

The Evolution of Google Maps

Digitization has transformed the world of maps. Technological advancements do the tricks into our life by changing our regular life into a digital space. They made our daily work more accessible, and every action is now simplified and done by a remote click. Undeniably, The arrival of smartphones has made it more comfortable. Now […]

  • Wasim Akram
    Wasim Akram
  • April 23, 2020

UAV/ Drone Lidar: GCPs vs. RTK vs. PPK

Today the advancements of LiDar grow gradually day by day for its high-quality accuracy and its cost-efficiency. If you want to know more about LiDar and different modes, you can read it here. In this article, we will see how drones play a significant role in LiDar and also the different types of collecting point clouds. UAV/Drone LiDar […]

  • Abiram Kishan
    Abiram Kishan
  • April 22, 2020

How Data Visualization Can Improve Your Business

Do you know the location of your business impacts success?  For any business with a physical brand image, location matters the most. Interactive maps and data visualization can help you analyze the best business opportunities you can acquire easily by understanding the demographics of the location and improved customer relationship management.  Role of GIS in […]

  • Vishnu Durga
    Vishnu Durga
  • April 22, 2020